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School Day: 8:45am - 2:45pm
Drop-Off Procedure
Drop-off time is 8:25am to 8:40am. Please arrive during your assigned time as follows:
#1-150 - 8:25am
#151+ - 8:35am
Windham buses will be utilizing the road in front of the school, as well as the cul-de-sac. There will be no parking in front of the school on Industrial Drive during this time.
Industrial Drive
Do not enter Industrial Drive or the parking lot before 8:15am unless you are dropping off for morning care.
After 8:15, you may form a line in the parking lot. If you must stop on the road, pull to the right to allow buses or through traffic to pass. DO NOT BLOCK NEIGHBOR'S DRIVEWAYS for any reason.
Entering the Lot
When you come up Industrial Drive, enter first WA parking lot on the right. There are 2 lines. Please fill in the first available lane. Drive the entire length of the parking lot and make a U-turn to your left to curve back alongside the building. Pull as far forward as you can, and pay attention to the staff member holding the stop sign.
Drop Off
Students may exit the vehicle when traffic is stopped and your car is in front of the building. Parents must stay in the vehicle during drop off. Staff will signal when it is safe to exit. Students MUST exit from the PASSENGER SIDE of your car for safety.
Please have your child unbuckled and ready to exit the vehicle on the PASSENGER side. Staff cannot reach into the car to unbuckle or assist with coats, etc.
Anyone arriving after 8:40am must park and walk their child to the front office to sign them in as late. Do not send late students in alone.
Pick-Up Procedure
Group 1 may enter Industrial Drive after 2:30pm. If you are early, drive around the block, get a coffee, etc. Do not park on the road or in the lot prior to 2:30pm.
Pick-up times are as follows:
# 1-100 - 2:45pm
#101-200 - 2:55pm
#201+ - 3:00pm
*DO NOT arrive prior to your scheduled time. You will be asked to leave until your assigned time. You may, however, arrive in a later assigned group.*
1. There will be two lanes for cars in our parking lot for afternoon dismissal. When you arrive to
Windham Academy, please take the first right into our parking lot if there is space and choose one
2. The beginning of the pick up line will begin at the exit of the parking lot where the "Stop" Sign is.
3. Please pull up as closely as possible to the car in front of you. Please do not leave a lot of space. PUT YOUR CAR INTO THE PARK POSITION AND REMAIN IN YOUR CAR. If you arrive early in the first group, please turn your car off.
4. If you arrive and the parking lot lanes are full, please remain in line on the right side of Industrial Drive until cars begin moving forward. Please do not block neighbor lot entrances when waiting to enter the WA lot.
5. Students will be called as you enter the parking lot and walked to your car when you are in the pick up zone (along front walkway of school.
6. If your child needs help buckling, please pull into the cul-de-sac to do this. Do not get out or hold up the line while buckling.
**Your child will receive a number placard from his/her teacher. PLEASE hang this card from your rearview mirror.
**There is NO PARKING in the cul-de-sac during afternoon dismissal. Please be patient and follow our procedures above.
Please Note: Children who are not picked up by 3:10pm and who are signed-up with the YMCA After-School Club will be directed to the after-school program. Other students who have not been picked up by 3:10pm will be taken to the main office to await their rides. After 1 instance of a “late” pick up, a late fee of $20 will be charged to the family. After 3:30pm, the charge will be $1 additional for each minute.
By law, busing is provided to students residing in the host district of Windham only. If your child is enrolled in Windham Academy and lives in Windham, they will be automatically be added to the bus route at the start of the school year.
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