Review Windham Academy's Uniform Policy and options for assistance.
Uniting our Community
In order to foster community, academic focus, and commitment to the learning environment, Windham Academy hereby adopts this Uniform Policy. We’re proud of our students, and we hope you’ll be proud to attend Windham Academy. Uniforms shall be the official uniform of Windham Academy, and all students must come to school in uniform every day. If a student arrives to school without the appropriate clothing, parents will be called and asked to bring in the uniform before the student is sent to class. In the event where a student is unable to come to school in the appropriate uniform, exceptions can be made. Administration can lend out t-shirts with the Windham Academy logo on them with the intention of getting that shirt washed and returned back to the school within a month. Windham Academy has a required Uniform Policy for several important reasons:
Uniforms unite us as a community instilling pride for the school.
Uniforms reduces distractions and clothing competition. This can reduce bullying and peer pressure by balancing out the playing field.
Uniforms make getting ready for school easier by simplifying the options of what a child can wear. This limits arguing about what a student should wear each day leaving less time spent dressing the student.
A dress code such as our Uniform Policy reflects a professional attitude with which we approach learning.
Windham Academy will strongly adhere to the Uniform Policy. Teachers and staff are being held accountable for enforcing it and they are evaluated on the compliance of the students in their classroom. If a child is not fully compliant with the policy, he or she might not be able to attend a school event such as a field trip or a concert unless a family member brings replacement clothing. Students may not change out of Windham Academy Public Charter School dress code at any point during the school day unless otherwise specified by the director.
Uniform tops can be purchased online at Land’s End (www.landsend.com, 1.800.963.4816) by using Windham Academy’s school number 900190497 under school uniforms. The nearest Land’s End store location is in the Burlington Mall located at 75 Middlesex Turnpike Suite 1002, Burlington, MA 01803 if you would like to order your uniform in person and try on sizes. If you are unsure whether an item is appropriate, please ask the office for assistance. We are happy to advise you on specific questions related to the uniform policy. Please email the main office with any questions.
Students are required to wear one approved top (shirt, sweater, sweatshirt, dress, etc) with a logo each day. The color choices are white, black, burgundy (a deep reddish brown color), tan/khaki, or gray. If you have purchased a WA t-shirt prior to spirit wear being implemented, those shirts are allowed to be worn.
All Windham Academy approved tops are available on the Land’s End website under Windham Academy. There are many options to choose from ranging in different styles, materials, and colors. As long as you are under the school’s number (900190497) it is an approved top.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts: If a student chooses to wear a sweater, sweatshirt, fleece, etc. over the logo uniform top during class, the outer garment must be an approved uniform color (white, black, burgundy, or gray) but does not need to have the logo. Any appropriate style of coat/jacket may be worn for outdoor play.
Undershirt: Visible undershirts must be in uniform colors (white, black, grey, burgundy)
Pants: Students may choose any style of bottoms (as long as it is not ripped) to fit their comfort level. This includes, but is not limited to khakis, chinos, leggings, shorts, skirts, skorts, jeans (in black, tan/gray), or cargo pants. The approved colors are tan/khaki, black, burgundy, and/or gray. Via the Land’s End website, students may purchase a burgundy plaid skirt.
Dresses: Dresses are available on the Land’s End website with the logo. If wearing a school colored dress without a logo, please wear a sweater/sweatshirt/vest over it.
Footwear: Students are allowed to wear any type of shoe. This includes, sneakers, dress shoes, and sandals. Footwear should be safe and appropriate for planned activities of the day.
Hats: Hats of any kind are not to be worn in school by either boys or girls, except for medical or religious reasons. However, students may wear a hat before school begins, after school ends, and while playing outside for sun protection or warmth. There are also occasional spirit days where hats may be worn.
Socks: Short socks worn under footwear may be of any style/color. Knee socks must be in approved uniform colors.
Tights: Tights must be in approved uniform colors.
Throughout the school year there are certain days where students are able to participate in Spirit Days. Flyers will be sent home announcing Spirit Days and specifications. On these days, students will bring in a dollar in order to participate. Monies collected from the dress down days/spirit days are used to fund the uniform assistance program. Please keep in mind, shirts may not have spaghetti straps. Slits, tears or holes in pants or other articles of clothing are not permitted. Shoes should follow the dress code as well, unless otherwise specified.
It is our intention that no family will see this as an impediment to enrolling. We are offering this program to provide financial assistance to families that meet the district’s economically disadvantaged guidelines, according to board policy. Specifically, the total household income is no greater than 185% of the federal poverty guidelines. Any family that qualifies for the free and reduced lunch program will also qualify for the uniform assistance program. A pool of funds will be raised and be made available. Land’s End gives the school money for every uniform purchased and Windham Academy will reserve those funds and allocate them for the uniform assistance program. These funds will be made available families in need of assistance. This pool is obviously limited, and available to parents completing and submitting an evidence of financial hardship form. To fill out an application for uniform assistance, click the link below.